Welcome to The Ultraverse

Usergroups - Provider Mini
This is a RPG platform allowing multiple universes to fuse into a rich and palpitating story. There is no limit to what you can accomplish as long as your imagination flows and can adapt to our Ultraverse. Every line from every member counts towards the destiny of this whole new world. While you at it, join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Zr5RMrZxad

Who will you incarnate ? What nation will you be part of ? What cause will you fight for ? What is your faith ?

The Ultraverse is your second chance, there isn’t a third.

Welcome to The Ultraverse

Usergroups - Provider Mini
This is a RPG platform allowing multiple universes to fuse into a rich and palpitating story. There is no limit to what you can accomplish as long as your imagination flows and can adapt to our Ultraverse. Every line from every member counts towards the destiny of this whole new world. While you at it, join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Zr5RMrZxad

Who will you incarnate ? What nation will you be part of ? What cause will you fight for ? What is your faith ?

The Ultraverse is your second chance, there isn’t a third.

The Ultraverse is created by the 7 Elders to reunite the souls lost during the Great Breach. With new bodies and abilities, these souls are given a second chance.


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1 to 6 on 6 groups

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  1. Moderators
    Moderators group
    Status : Closed group
  2. Dokka
    Status : Opened group
  3. Miska
    Status : Opened group
  4. Razka
    Status : Opened group
  5. Rogue
    Status : Opened group
  6. Alliance
    Status : Opened group
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Rank: Admin
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Participated in 15 topics
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