Welcome to The Ultraverse

Fight/Skills effect Mini
This is a RPG platform allowing multiple universes to fuse into a rich and palpitating story. There is no limit to what you can accomplish as long as your imagination flows and can adapt to our Ultraverse. Every line from every member counts towards the destiny of this whole new world. While you at it, join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Zr5RMrZxad

Who will you incarnate ? What nation will you be part of ? What cause will you fight for ? What is your faith ?

The Ultraverse is your second chance, there isn’t a third.

Welcome to The Ultraverse

Fight/Skills effect Mini
This is a RPG platform allowing multiple universes to fuse into a rich and palpitating story. There is no limit to what you can accomplish as long as your imagination flows and can adapt to our Ultraverse. Every line from every member counts towards the destiny of this whole new world. While you at it, join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Zr5RMrZxad

Who will you incarnate ? What nation will you be part of ? What cause will you fight for ? What is your faith ?

The Ultraverse is your second chance, there isn’t a third.

The Ultraverse is created by the 7 Elders to reunite the souls lost during the Great Breach. With new bodies and abilities, these souls are given a second chance.


Fight/Skills effect
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Join date : 2021-11-10

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PostSubject: Fight/Skills effect   Fight/Skills effect EmptySun Nov 21, 2021 4:15 pm
The fighting system on The Ultraverse is pretty simple since it uses a mix of fair play and common sense in order to create the most enjoyable experience when you are fighting another player. Where should we start ? Ah...the states!

In a fight, you have 4 states: Excellent, Good, Bad, and Critical. Instead of using numbers and stats, this system saves you the headache of a bunch of calculations. But, how does it work? You start any fight in an Excellent state, and once you reach Critical, the next time you get hit by ANY attack, you are out and you also become vulnerable to the point where you can die instantly.

We are not going to tell you how you go from Excellent to Good or Good to Bad, use common sense and please, keep it fair towards your opponent. If you get hit by a fireball, for example, you don't lose a state YET, but imagine you get hit by a fireball then a spear of water, you will then go from Excellent to Good, no doubt. If you get hit by a combo, you won't automatically go down one state, but the next time you get punched, you will. It's all about common sense. Some abilities can make you go down by one state in 1 hit, but you can't create one until you are level 3.

One-shot abilities don't exist in The Ultraverse! You can't kill another player in one move. For example, if you have a decapitating ability, it will end up slicing your opponent's throat and put him in a critical state which he might be able to heal from. He's pretty much at your mercy but at least he has a slight chance to make an unexpected come back. Thanks for your understanding.

Now, let's discuss the effects.

There are 6 different effects for now: Stunned, Blinded, Poisoned, Bleeding, Slowed and Weakened.

At level 1, only ONE of your abilities can have an effect on your opponent.
At level 2, you can have 2 effects.
At level 3, you still have 2 effects.
At level 4, you can have 3 effects.
At level 5, you can have 4 effects.
You unlock the next slot at level 7 and once you reach that level, you also reach the limit of 11 abilities with effects.
Each ability can only have 1 effect ! Only Omni abilities can have a maximum of 2 effects.

All effects last 2 turns.

Lastly, we are not going to tell you what those effects do. You can tell ! Remember ? Common sense. When you are blinded, you can't aim the same way so don't pull out a bow and hit the perfect headshot, when you are poisoned, you can't heal yourself for those 2 turns, same as bleeding. And obviously, when you are weakened, your defensive abilities can't fully block anymore, they might be able to partially block a fireball etc... When you are slowed, your movement abilities are not as effective, you struggle to move etc... In order to save our players from an infectious stats invasion, we are using a semi-moderated system that allows you to enjoy any fight without having to use a calculator.

Thanks for honoring this system!

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